A better welcome to everyday life
Closer to the communities
Our strategies of intervention
End of Year
The bonds that unite us
Addressing the rise in tuberculosis cases in India
Environmental Awareness
Passing down better habits to preserve the living
Transform the present to beautify the future
Wonderment In Action
Ruby Valley
Building resilient education
Ruby Valley
A year of successful projects
Early Childhood
A better education for a better life
Action For Karuna
A boosting growth for India
Action For Karuna
All united to share an altruistic state of mind
Partner project
Calcutta Rescue: Creating opportunities
World Women's Rights Day
Break the Bias – for a new place in society
Back to 2021
Meeting with those we support
Closer to the beneficiaries
Two new offices in India
Climate crisis
Adapting and cooperating to meet the challenges
Caring Education