Partner projects

Support innovative programs run by our “favorite” associations

Since 2020, Karuna-Shechen has been working alongside friendly associations aligned with our missions and values, to support and co-construct innovative, collaborative projects.

Through these partnerships, Karuna helps to create a positive impact in society and support innovative ideas that make a difference. These projects represent around 9% of the total budget devoted to all our programs in the field. This investment also enables us to forge strong links with inspiring organizations, creating fruitful collaborations for the future.

H.E.L.P. Népal

A home for the women of Samagaun

To extend the efforts of his association Tergar Charity Nepal in combating climate change in the Himalayas, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche founded the Himalayan Environment and Life Protection (H.E.L.P.). This new initiative aims to empower communities to become resilient in the face of climate challenges and preserve the Himalayan ecosystem.

The supported project aims to strengthen equality and autonomy in society by establishing a community house for women. This space facilitates exchanges among various educational, religious, and political women’s groups, as well as their commercial and income-generating initiatives. The construction of the house is currently underway, with a focus on sustainability and earthquake resistance.

Karuna’s support for H.E.L.P. enables the construction of this house, essential to help all women in the region achieve the recognition they deserve and fulfill their dreams, both personally and professionally.

Dechen Dolma, House Administrator

In 2023, 150 future beneficiaries are women.

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Empowering Women and Farmers

Founded on the principles of justice, love, and service, ASSEFA works towards empowering communities to ensure economic and social equality for disadvantaged populations.

Based in the state of Tamil Nadu in the southern part of the country, the association operates with the same multisectoral and participatory approach as Karuna-Shechen, focusing particularly on women and farmers. We support an interest-free microcredit program for women, the renovation of a public water reservoir providing drinking water, and the promotion of new agricultural practices among farmers.

ASSEFA encouraged me to start cattle farming for dairy production. Along with other interested farmers, we visited a dairy near Chennai and received basic training. This gave me the courage to start a new venture and improve my situation. ASSEFA also co-financed the construction of a cowshed and the purchase of five cows. I am happy and have gained confidence for the future!

JM. Rajagopal, Farmer

In 2023, 2,893 families were supported.

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Improving Living Conditions in Slums

The teams at Calcutta Rescue aim to improve the health and well-being of the most neglected populations in Kolkata, the megacity of West Bengal.

The Calcutta Rescue association provides healthcare to the most disadvantaged and marginalized populations and provides resources to enable greater autonomy: prevention, improvement of sanitary conditions, hygiene products, and housing assistance. Karuna supports a street medicine program and the rehabilitation of housing, sanitation facilities, and water storage devices.

I have been living in the Dakshineswar slum for 15 years, in a precarious bamboo hut under a roof made of plastic sheeting. During the Cyclone Amphan in 2020, our homes were devastated. But today everything is changing ! With fifteen other families, we are moving into real concrete houses with tin roofs and windows. We will finally have the security, comfort, and protection we so desperately need to live.

Bani, Housing Assistance Beneficiary

In 2023, 8,396 people benefited from the program.

I support this initiative.

In recent years, numerous studies have shown that caring for others is a particularly difficult job, both physically and psychologically. In response, Karuna-Shechen is launching its first program in France, in partnership with Mindfulness solidaire association.

Find out more about our partner projects