New area of intervention
New commitment at Khaniyabas
Cooperating for sustainable impact
A collaborative approach for change
Health, hygiene and sanitation
Clean water, a source of hope
Partner projects
H.E.L.P. and Karuna: The Strength of Cooperation
Global Warming
Extreme Heat and Wildfires in Nepal
Encouraging farmer autonomy
Pollinating the economy
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Building a healthy future
Cultivating Our Values
Strengthening Bonds and Sharing Knowledge
Women Pillars of Agriculture
Nourishing Autonomy
Ophthalmic Health
Seeing Beyond Limits
Testimony from Kapilvastu
Breaking Borders and Inspiring Change
Intervention Method
Compassion and Cooperation at the Heart of Our Actions
Darjeeling and Kapilvastu
New Intervention Areas in 2023
Let’s celebrate altruism in action
Be inspired, Practice, Get involved
Finding Balance
Maternal and child health
2022 Annual Report