In cultivating the quality of human relationships, social bonds, a sense of belonging, kindness, caring, passion, and altruistic love, we are much more likely to triumph together.

Matthieu Ricard

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Inspiration requires a careful look at what is oftenless visible, acknowledging both the beauty and the less beautiful aspects. Let’s consider our immediate surroundings, the individuals we encounter in our daily lives, and then broaden our vision to encompass all beings, envisioning a future imbued with altruism.

The regular practice of compassion leads us towards greater altruism. Without training the mind, we risk being overwhelmed by the world’s difficulties and then falling into empathetic distress. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance between taking care of oneself and taking care of others.

Everyone can engage with the world in some positive way whether it is in their daily lives or on a global level, starting with small gestures that are sources of motivation and joy. It can take various forms, such as minor adjustments to daily life, significant personal or professional choices, individual or collective initiatives.

Inspiring articles

Samjana Gurung, committed to change

Samjana Gurung is Secretary of the Board for a Better Future (BFC) in the rural municipality of Bijaynagar in Kapilvastu. Her role is to ensure that the programs developed by the council clearly meet the community’s expectations.

“By working together as a community, I believe we can overcome the challenges we face, including deep-rooted patterns of behavior, and create a better future for ourselves and generations to come.”

Sandhna Sinha: a mobilizer guided by altruism

Sandhna Sinha joined Karuna-Shechen in India’s Bihar region in 2011 as a nurse and since 2020, as a community health mobilizer, she has played a key role in developing various programs and organizing them in the field.

“Making a positive difference in the lives of those who need it most gives me a sense of purpose beyond myself, which is what altruism in the truest sense means to me.”

Altruism to shape a better world

Each and every one of us possesses an altruistic potential that can be cultivated in multiple ways. In our time, altruism has become essential for shaping a better world. To achieve this, we can all implement local actions, integrating them into our daily routines, as well as global actions, to surpass our own boundaries and act in favor of the collective.

The GoodPlanet Foundation, recognized as a public utility, was established in 2005 by Yann Arthus-Bertrand as an extension of his artistic work and commitment. Its mission is to raise awareness among as many people as possible about ecological and solidarity issues and to take concrete action for a more sustainable world in the field, in business, and within communities.

The Nouveau Monde endowment fund finances and supports ambitious projects to develop the practice of mindfulness meditation in France: public awareness, training, applied research, and advocacy.

To know more about our advocacy

The quest for meaning

The top 5 regrets of the Dying

Annuel Report 2023

Altruism at the Heart of Action

At the heart of the field

Samjana Gurung, committed to change

Together towards the future

Altruism to shape a better world


Women in action
