Health and Hygiene

Saving lives and preserving the health of the most vulnerable

In both India and Nepal, the regions in which we are active are confronted with a significant lack of access to health care, both materially, geographically and financially.

One figure : A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) reveals that 4.2% of India’s population, or more than 50 million people, fall into poverty every year because of high health costs.

Karuna Shechen ensures the development of appropriate solutions to save lives, alleviate suffering and preserve the health of the most vulnerable. Our clinics and health posts are open every day, without interruption, offering diagnostic, general, specialised and alternative medical services.

Prevention being the best medicine, our teams redouble their efforts to raise awareness among our beneficiaries about malnutrition, menstruation, maternity, breastfeeding and infantile diseases. Finally, we offer farmers ways to improve the health of their animals.

We work closely with local authorities to also intervene in remote community health posts through the provision of equipment and training of health workers.

Our impact in 2023

One of our programmes in India

Educating about oral hygiene

In India, populations face various dental health issues: mouth cancer, overconsumption of fluoride, and access to care.

The dental health program includes education on oral hygiene, prevention, diagnosis, and treatments. The mobile clinic provides these services for free and focuses particularly on children. Oral hygiene is no longer seen as a luxury, but as a necessity.

I went to the clinic because I was suffering from tooth pain. After the examination, the dentist suspected submucous fibrosis, caused by my daily consumption of 10 packets of gutka (chewing tobacco) for the past five years. She strongly suggested that I quit and change my diet, consuming more fruits and vegetables. She also prescribed facial exercises to improve the muscle movements of my mouth. I was impressed by the dentist’s warm welcome and the affordable cost of the consultation.

Biswajit Mandal, livestock farmer – India

In 2023, 5,253 people were educated about dental issues.

I support education on oral hygiene.

One of our programmes in Nepal

Toilets for Health and Dignity

To address the issue of open defecation, which causes disease and pollution, the construction of sanitary facilities is essential, especially for women and the elderly.

Awareness campaigns encourage rural communities to use toilets or to build them when they are unavailable or dysfunctional. They co-construct toilets hand-in-hand with our teams, which provide them with financial and technical support.

Having toilets was a dream for my family. In addition to providing financial assistance, Karuna-Shechen conducted information sessions. We gained the knowledge and skills needed to build toilets using locally available materials. I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and security: my family no longer has to risk venturing into unsafe areas to meet their basic needs.

Rina Chaudhary, farmer – Nepal.

In 2023, 80 toilets were built for 400 people.

I support the construction of toilets.

Our method of intervention

Our holistic approach puts our beneficiaries at the center of each project. We try to empower them through involvement and ownership of our activities, and by improving their skills and knowledge.

Our health services are continually adapting to meet the needs of those we serve. For example, we are creating new facilities, investing in new treatment and diagnostic equipment, and paying particular attention to the training of medical staff.

Learn more about our Health and Hygiene programmes

Maternal and child health

Looking back on Breastfeeding Week

Annuel Report 2023

Altruism at the Heart of Action

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Building a healthy future

To foster women's empowerment

Dare to talk about menstruation


Women in action

Ophthalmic Health

Seeing Beyond Limits