Food Security
Fighting malnutrition through environmentally-friendly food
Malnutrition is prevalent in India and Nepal, particularly among rural populations who do not have the physical, social or economic means to obtain sufficient quantities of healthy and nutritious food. Children are especially vulnerable because malnutrition impairs their cognitive development and stunts their physical growth.
Some figures : A report published by UNICEF in 2020 stated that malnutrition was the cause of 69% of deaths among children under the age of 5 in India and 43% in Nepal.

In both India and Nepal, Karuna-Shechen is committed to decreasing malnutrition by promoting access to quality water, through the installation of drip irrigation systems, wells and ponds and to supporting sustainable family farming , through the creation of organic vegetable gardens, and community activities that raise food awareness.
The aim of all these initiatives is to give local people the means to produce sufficient quantities of quality fruit and vegetables, while respecting the environment.
Our teams train farmers in sustainable farming techniques, the management of nurseries for the distribution of seeds and seedlings, and they provide equipment for greenhouses. Our programs also support the cultivation of high value crops that can be sold and subsequently provide additional income.
Our impact in 2023

256,500 villagers cultivated a vegetable garden

10 wells
provide better access to water.

636 families
use drip irrigation
One of our programs in India
Collective solutions to ensure access to water
To support sustainable and organic agriculture, we assist communities in implementing water management solutions at the village level. This is a major challenge for populations who feel powerless in the face of climate change.
A fundamental resource essential to life and livelihoods, water is becoming increasingly scarce in our intervention areas in India. Karuna supports communities in establishing water management committees that determine the most suitable solution for each village. With our support, all residents mobilize to undertake the construction of rainwater retention ponds and the repair or digging of wells. These sustainable solutions, combined with awareness-raising efforts, ensure better water availability throughout the year for domestic use and the irrigation of vegetable gardens.
Previously, we had no choice but to use unsafe and insufficient water. But with your support, the village has built a pond. We will be able to irrigate our farms, wash, and water our animals all year round. Our lives will be simpler!
Indrajit Singh Munda, farmer