Celebrated annually, this worldwide initiative is supported by UNICEF and the World Health Organisation. It aims to raise awareness of breastfeeding and promote breastfeeding practices among new mothers, while highlighting its importance for infants.
This year the theme is “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All”. The campaign emphasizes the need for comprehensive support systems for breastfeeding mothers, and the importance of addressing barriers that prevent optimal breastfeeding practices.

In Nepal, alternatives to breastfeeding, such as infant formula, don’t fully meet children’s nutritional needs. In rural areas, these substitutes are often unavailable or too expensive for families, due to limited access to resources and infrastructures. This is why breastfeeding is essential for the development of infants, guaranteeing a complete and accessible nutritional intake.
In Kapilvastu, an event was organized by local health authorities in collaboration with Karuna-Shechen, with the intention of educating mothers about the benefits of breastfeeding and encouraging them to breastfeed for at least six months, preferably longer when possible.
A program activities for the community
The program features a series of activities designed to engage the community and provide essential information about breastfeeding, including an awareness session conducted by health professionals. It covers topics such as:
- the nutritional benefits of breast milk
- proper breastfeeding techniques
- the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

Through this program, I learned that there are so many benefits to breastfeeding for both the baby and the mother and exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is essential for my baby’s growth and immune system.
Sushila, participant of the program, Kapilvastu
The Importance of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is beneficial for infant health as it provides all necessary nutrients and antibodies that protect against infections. According to recent statistics, while nearly all children under age two in Nepal have been breastfed at some point, only 56% are exclusively breastfed until six months. This highlights a significant gap in optimal breastfeeding practices that initiatives like Breastfeeding Week aim to address. For mothers, breastfeeding has health benefits as well.
Sushila explains: “The awareness program made everything so easy to understand. We also learned how breastfeeding helps to prevent illnesses and supports mothers in recovering more quickly after giving birth. It was the first time I felt at ease talking about these topics, realizing how normal and important they are.”
The program underscored these benefits, encouraging mothers not only to initiate breastfeeding but also to continue it alongside complementary foods until at least two years of age.
A significant impact on the community

This awareness-raising week in Kapilvastu not only educated mothers but also fostered a supportive community environment. By encouraging fathers and family members to take part in discussions about breastfeeding, the initiative aimed to create a holistic support system for new mothers. Family involvement can significantly influence a mother’s decision and ability to breastfeed.
This awareness session has made me feel more confident as a mother. I am now encouraging other women in my community to adopt these practices. I never imagined I would have the courage to speak up, but this program has truly made a difference for us. I look forward to attending more informative sessions like this and hope that support for women in our village continues.
Continued efforts are essential to ensure that all mothers receive the necessary support to successfully breastfeed their infants, which ultimately contributes to healthier families and communities in Nepal.
In this context, Karuna-Shechen is actively committed to strengthening this support through its initiatives, such as the Congratulations! program. Launched in 2023 this program aims to raise awareness about good parenting and child health practices and is directed towards pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as family members and people living in their community. Through this approach, everyone can experience these moments of life in good health and with serenity.