Be inspired
Changing one’s perspective on the world and beings
To adopt a new perspective on the world, free from any negative bias, allows us to pay attention to the beauty of beings and the environment around us, drawing inspiration to care for them.
Freeing Oneself from Negativity Bias
“Negativity bias” refers to the fact that individuals are more affected by negative experiences than positive ones. By changing our perspective on the world, we can focus our attention on benevolent behaviors, the beauty of landscapes, animals, or artistic creations.
Giving Meaning to Our Actions
The purpose of inspiration is to lead us to act for the better. Inspiration can come from wonder and/or indignation. It provides us with concrete ways to stay informed or ideas for taking actions. It is possible to have multiple sources of inspiration, which vary over time.

It is important to keep in mind the complementarity of the three pillars : inspiration, training and engagement. Inspiration fuels the motivations that guide our commitment. Without daily inspiration, we risk losing sight of our motivation and, ultimately, we risk forgetting the purpose of our actions.
Let us marvel at the wild nature, at a birth, at an act of kindness […] or at a face that reflects the unfathomable depths of wisdom and compasion.
Matthieu Ricard
Finding Daily Inspiration
What Is Altruism?
What is altruism, or empathy, or compassion? What are their impacts on our brains and our lives ?
Our Roundtables
We regularly invite inspiring actors and actresses to discuss major societal topics.
Daily Wonder
An invitation to marvel at the small details of everyday life.
Meetings on Altruism
For the past two years, Karuna has been inviting people to find inspiration, engage in rich exchanges, and participate in workshops on topics related to our values and current events.
In 2022, these meetings took place at the Good Planet Foundation in Paris. Together, we reinvented our relationship with all living beings through programs that brought together individuals who are committed to the environment.
I believe that what we owe each other is to celebrate life and replace fear and despair with courage and joy
Vandana Shiva