Wonderment in the wilderness alone will not solve the ecological crisis, but it will, I hope, generate awareness and respect.

Matthieu Ricard

While disaster scenarios and alarmist messages invade our daily lives, Karuna-Shechen proposes to reflect on the environmental emergency in an optimistic and proactive way. Because “when we start to act, hope is everywhere. So, instead of waiting for hope, let’s look for action.” (Greta Thunberg)

From September 9 to October 9, 2022,
Karuna-Shechen launches its “Wonderment” Campaign

Karuna suggests that you marvel at the daily life of living beings, be it plant, animal or human species, and move from indignation to action. During this month, you will be able to you find inspiring content on the benefits of wonder, concrete actions to act in favor of environmental protection.

What if wonderment at the exceptional as well as at the ordinary was the key to committing to the preservation of the planet and its biodiversity?

Vestrahorn, Island, September 2019

What is Wonderment?

Wonderment is that almost mesmerizing feeling of awe that brings us joy and peace, but cannot be explained or described. While it may seem rare and elusive, there are in fact many ways to cultivate wonderment in order to benefit from its many attributes.

Wonder to Relieve Eco-anxiety

Faced with the alarming degradation of the biosphere and the reported environmental disasters, 60% of young people aged 16 to 25 suffer from eco-anxiety. This concern about the future of our planet generates negative feelings such as anger, sadness, and powerlessness. However, it is important to keep hope in order to avoid sinking into passive fatalism. Many solutions exist to relieve this anxiety. Studies show that marveling, at nature, animals, altruistic and benevolent gestures that punctuate our daily lives, or at works of art that transmit inexplicable thrills, helps reduce stress and focus on oneself and provides a sense of well-being and calmness.

Nature is well done, because happiness gives us the necessary energy to help others, to act, to change the world.

Christophe André

Opening the Field of Possibilities: From Indignation to Action

Although we are aware of the climate emergency, it is sometimes difficult to take the steps that would lead us to action, to overcome our doubts and fears, to determine our role in this struggle, and to ensure the effectiveness of our actions. It is about finding what drives us and identifying what changes we would like to see. Being in awe strengthens our connection with nature and with others, awakening our desire to care for them. It is also a great source of energy that stimulates our creativity and opens the field of possibilities.

Raising Awareness in India and Nepal

Karuna-Shechen’s teams work in India and Nepal to raise awareness among the population about the protection of the environment and wildlife. In 2021, 13,600 people became familiar with climate risks and eco-responsible attitudes. 

In India, 35,515 trees have been planted by the inhabitants through a greening program. In addition to improving air quality, this ongoing action constituted an opportunity to create a new connection with nature

In Nepalese schools, 160 young people were trained on the causes of global warming and the different ways to preserve the environment. Theoretical teaching was complemented by concrete actions such as clean walks or ecological art competitions.

Learn more about our awareness-raising programs for the youth

Support the youth in their action
for the preservation of wildlife

Join the #KarunaWonderment

Throughout this month, Karuna-Shechen invites you to share your sources of wonder and your daily commitments with the hashtag #KarunaWonderment.

[SEE YOU IN 2023]
We regret to inform you that the Altruistic Meetings will be postponed to 2023. We will offer you an enriched edition with more speakers and inspiring content.
Karuna-Shechen remains strongly committed to contribute positively to environmental issues and to marvel at taking care of the living.