In every region where we operate in India and Nepal, we rely on individuals from local communities: the Social Motivators.
They ensure an essential link between Karuna and the people we support. Beyond creating connections, they play a fundamental role in implementing all projects.
Let’s discover the multiple facets of the role of Social Motivators.
Exceptional Dedication
Social Motivators are chosen for their willingness to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable, their compassion, and their understanding of local challenges. These qualities make them invaluable assets in fulfilling their roles effectively.
Facilitating Connection

Whether setting up a new water sanitation system, organizing educational workshops, or planting trees to protect the environment, the motivators ensure that each activity is carried out efficiently.
This is partly made possible by their connections with the communities, leaders, and all other local stakeholders.
Karna Bahadur Thada Magar, a Social Motivator in Nepal since 2019, explains in his testimony:
We start by establishing contact with local representatives, school committees, health workers, and teachers. It’s about introducing ourselves, sharing our vision, and building trust. This approach allows us to implement our programs effectively and efficiently.

Social Motivators are the voice and face of Karuna. They engage with villagers, listen to their needs and concerns, and raise awareness of various issues affecting their lives through community meetings.

Inspired by my father, I wanted to contribute positively to society and give back to the world. In 2018, I connected with Karuna-Shechen and have been working since then in various projects to facilitate the help extended by the organization to those in dire need.
Pappu Kumar, Social Motivator since 2018, India
The Importance of Documentation
Social Motivators also collect on-site data and report it to us.
By accurately identifying the villages’ needs and documenting results, they provide essential information for monitoring and evaluating our programs.
This meticulous work allows us to make informed decisions and necessary adjustments to improve project effectiveness.

Detailed reports are conducted before, during, and after project implementation, ensuring transparency and accountability.
The rigor in data collection guarantees the continuity and success of long-term projects.
Ensuring Project Sustainability
Social Motivators sometimes face challenges, such as fully involving rural communities in projects, managing conflicts, or ensuring initiative sustainability.
However, their ability to communicate, their active listening, and perseverance enable them to continue their efforts on the ground.
At first, I faced challenges in engaging with rural communities and ensuring our work benefits them. I now effectively contribute to their daily lives and share their needs with the organization to support them best.
Papu Kumar
The remoteness of our areas sometimes leads to delays in transporting materials, which can raise expectations among beneficiaries. But we tackle these issues through open communication.
Karna Bahadur Thada Magar
Discover the portrait of Karna Bahadur Thada Magar

The qualities demonstrated by Motivators lead to greater community involvement.
Their presence effectively strengthens the credibility and acceptability of Karuna’s humanitarian initiatives among the various stakeholders we work with.
In this way, thanks to their strong commitment, Motivators build a solid foundation for a better future.
Building Bridges of Solidarity
<Involving dynamic and compassionate local individuals like Pappu and Karna has yielded positive results. Social Motivators are committed to improving the living conditions of rural communities, transforming challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality.
By building bridges between Karuna-Shechen and the communities, we can work together in a shared spirit of solidarity.